
There are moments in life when destiny seems to take a pause, a pause that can define a new era. Twenty-six years ago, I found myself in such a pause, locked in the routine of an industrial chemist, desperately seeking an exit from an endless tunnel.

One day, a glimmer of hope illuminated this darkness. I decided to embark on an inner journey by choosing to quit smoking. Through a strange alignment of stars, I discovered a method based on visualization and hypnosis. By adopting it, I achieved the impossible, quitting smoking in just 10 days. Intrigued by the power of hypnosis, I decided to dive deeper.

The magic unfolded when, during my commutes to work, I transformed the routine into a mental getaway to the beach. The freedom in my mind became palpable, and I wondered what I would do without cigarettes. It was at this moment that hypnosis revealed its other gift, that of automatic writing and drawing. My workspace became my studio, a canvas where I expressed my newfound creative freedom.

Then, another pause in the script of my life occurred with a hip operation. Instead of seeing it as a limitation, I chose to see it as an opportunity to relearn walking and redefine my path. Judgments that had labeled me as a "failure" were met with a determined smile as I fully embraced my desire to create.

During this journey, life presented a painful turning point. While parking my van, an angel who had crossed my path chose to leave this world. A heartbreaking event that marked the beginning of a profound rebuilding. In homage, I immersed myself in artistic creation, becoming the "anartist," an artist guided by heart and soul.

Hypnosis, which had initially freed my mind from tobacco, took on a new dimension as the guide to my training as a hypnotherapist artist. Thus, after leaving the job that no longer nourished me, I realized the dream I cherished. My sketchbook expanded, my works found collectors who shared my vision, and I traveled the world through festivals and exhibitions.

My art became a philosophy, an organic work where shapes and colors combine infinitely. Through my works, I immerse myself in the world, unfiltered, putting all my energy into infusing a liberating energy. Artistic residencies with disabled children and adults, exhibitions in Barcelona, at the Outsider Art Fair in New York, and embellishment projects with recycled materials testify to my commitment to sow the seed of hope through art.

My dream continues to flourish, with every brush raised and every project led with energy directed upwards. In the heart of your home, I aim to let the flower of humanity grow, sowing hope through each artwork and each word. Because, in the end, art is a mirror where everyone can find a fragment of their own truth.

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